What else can you say? The paper is good quality and the spiral binding is really nice so it either lays flat or you can swing the front pages around back to hold in one hand. This came in great condition I recommend this product for anyone who goes to Channel islands aviation. However very expensive, wish the price was lower.

The information manual fits the bill perfectly. They do it for sectionals, why not manuals. If lamination were made an option, I would gladly pay for the upgrade. The paper is standard thickness and seems like it might tear easily. I gave it 4 out of 5 start because I would like to have seen it laminated for durability. I appreciate its form as it is far more durable then the original which is helpful for the heavy use it gets as an instructional aid. When we transferred to a POH format there was an infinite improvement. Great for learning the basics when you don't own the plane. It's great quality and is exactly what I needed.

It is good quality and will definitely last for many years to come!

Very useful manualby Malena from Asheville NC USA Pros: Spiral bound. Included is a Library of important articles, performance.Ĭessna Aircraft Information Manual - 1. It is the complete reference for Cessna 172 Owners and Pilots. This is the homepage for The Cessna 172 Guide. Cessna 120 & 140 Parts Manual 1954 Cessna 150 to 185 Service Manual Pre1963 Cessna 150 Check List Cessna 150 Parts Manual 1963-1969 Cessna 150 Parts Manual 1970-1977. This page lists performance specifications and statistics for every model of Cessna 172 airplane. Electrically operated flaps replaced the. Electric fuses replaced by circuit breakers, gross. Wraparound rear window and one- piece windscreen.

Please check back later! For subscription information please refer to the description in the Apple Store or Google Play Store (specifc apps only) or contact Technical.Ĭessna Aircraft Information Manual - 172 Skyhawk by Cessna - Cessna Aircraft Information Manuals include the same data and limitations contained in the original.ĭ1. The content of this website is protected by copyright and reproduction in whole or in part is only authorized with the written. 1981 Cessna 172P – N781FM Air Plains 180 HP Conversion PREFLIGHT CABIN 1. The following is a collection of aircraft flight manuals from the Cessna single engine range, including pilots operating handbooks (POH. Key operated starter, optional child seat in baggage.Ĭessna Single Engine POHs. Shortened undercarriage, lengthened engine mount.